With the huge Gym update, there are changes to the way that PokéCoins are earned and distributed. The old limits are basically there. You earn one PokéCoin per hour for each Pokémon that is defending a gym. It must be a full hour of defense for the coin to be registered. Under the older, simpler formula where your received 10 PokéCoins per gym defender, the new formula is much more complex.
PokéCoins (defender) = HOURS(defender.TimeDefending)
TotalPokéCoins = foreach returned defender
if PokéCoinsGainedToday < 100 and PokéCoinsGainedThisWeek < 700
SUM(TotalPokéCoins, PokéCoins(defender))
SUM(TotalPokéCoins, 0)
The biggest takeaway is that there is a daily and weekly limit on the amount of PokéCoins you can earn. The article suggests that the best way to receive PokéCoins is to control five gyms that are not attacked often.