
Smart Way to Level Up

Smart Way to Level Up in Pokemon Go. Red Rocket Taking Off.

There are tried and true ways to level up quickly in Pokémon Go, and if you follow them closely you will get to your next level faster. The basic idea is to capture as many low-level Pokémon as possible, and use a Lucky Egg to evolve them in succession for the entire 30 minute period to maximize the amount of XP you receive. Now let’s break that down.

Every time you evolve, you receive 500 XP no matter what Pokémon is being evolved. So it makes sense to choose the Pokémon that give you the most “bang for the buck.” Those happen to be Pidgeys, Caterpie, and Weedles, which only require 12 candy each to evolve. Compare that to other Pokémon that are usually 25-50 for the first level, and you can the significance. And since those three are everywhere, it makes even more sense.

With a Lucky Egg, you get double that for 1,000 XP each time you evolve those lowly Pokémon. That adds up quickly. Since it takes less than 30 seconds on newer phones to level up, you can theoretically get over 60,000 XP with a single lucky egg, evolving mostly Pidgins, Caterpie, and Weedles. That is some serious XP in 30 minutes.

You need to start stocking up on your Pokémon that you plan to evolve and figuring out the maximum you can use during one Lucky Egg. Luckily (get it) there is a site to help you called PidgeyCalc. Input the number of Pokémon of each type you have and PidgeyCalc will determine how long it will take to evolve, and how much XP you will receive when using your Lucky Egg. If you don’t have enough to maximize a session, it will tell you how many more you need. So start saving those Pokémon and making your evolutions more efficient.


Gym Battles and Pokecoins

With the huge Gym update, there are changes to the way that PokéCoins are earned and distributed. The old limits are basically there. You earn one PokéCoin per hour for each Pokémon that is defending a gym. It must be a full hour of defense for the coin to be registered. Under the older, simpler formula where your received 10 PokéCoins per gym defender, the new formula is much more complex.

PokéCoins (defender) = HOURS(defender.TimeDefending)
TotalPokéCoins = foreach returned defender
   if PokéCoinsGainedToday < 100 and PokéCoinsGainedThisWeek < 700
     SUM(TotalPokéCoins, PokéCoins(defender))
     SUM(TotalPokéCoins, 0)

The biggest takeaway is that there is a daily and weekly limit on the amount of PokéCoins you can earn. The article suggests that the best way to receive PokéCoins is to control five gyms that are not attacked often.


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Pidgeys Worth 400 Plus XP

This was something I wanted to do quickly just so I had a number to go by. How much is a Pidgey (Caterpie and Weedle) actually worth in terms of XP? A quick calculation in my head produced at least 350, but I knew it was more and wanted to figure it out. It will not be exact as I am not looking for that. Just a pretty good estimate to get me enthusiastic about catching them when they keep breaking free.

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Complete Pokédex Character Reference Chart

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